18 minute read

Hello, cybersecurity enthusiasts and white hackers!

asm hello world

NASM tutorial

So, I am continuing a series of articles dedicated to my journey in the study of malware analysis.

In the last post in the series, I started learning examples in assembly language.

This tutorial will show you how to write assembly language programs on the x86 architecture, but now I will also provide code examples that integrate with C language.

Once again, make sure we have both nasm and gcc installed:

nasm --version
gcc --version

nasm gcc

Let’s go to repeat some instructions:

mov a, b   ; copy b to a
and a, b   ; copy "a logical AND b" to a
or  a, b   ; copy "a logical OR b" to a
xor a, b   ; copy "a logical XOR b" to a
add a, b   ; copy a + b to a
sub a, b   ; copy a - b to a
inc a      ; increment a (copy a + 1 to a)
dec a      ; decrement a (copy a - 1 to a)
db         ; pseudo-instruction that declares bytes
           ; will be in memory when the program runs

As i wrote earlier, in fact, most of the basic instructions have only the following forms:

mov eax, ebx      ; copy register to register
mov ebx, [123]    ; copy memory address to register
mov [123], eax    ; copy register to memory address
mov eax, 0x12     ; copy immediate to register
mov [151], 0x55   ; copy immediate to memory address

Pseudo-instructions are things which, though not real x86 machine instructions, are used in the instruction field anyway because that’s the most convenient place to put them:

db    0x55                ; just the byte 0x55
db    0x55,0x56,0x57      ; three bytes in succession
db    'a',0x55            ; character constants are OK
db    'hello',13,10,'$'   ; so are string constants
dw    0x1234              ; 0x34 0x12
dw    'a'                 ; 0x61 0x00 (it's just a number)
dw    'ab'                ; 0x61 0x62 (character constant)
dw    'abc'               ; 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x00 (string)
dd    0x12345678          ; 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12
dd    1.234567e20         ; floating-point constant
dq    0x123456789abcdef0  ; eight byte constant
dq    1.234567e20         ; double-precision float
dt    1.234567e20         ; extended-precision float

To reserve space (without initializing), you can use the following pseudo instructions. They should go in a section called .bss (you’ll get an error if you try to use them in a .text section):

buffer:     resb  64  ; reserve 64 bytes
wordvar:    resw  1   ; reserve a word
realarray:  resq  10  ; array of ten reals

hello world

So what about our first practical example? Let’s start with the classic “Hello world” program:

; hello.asm: writes "hello world" to the console.
; author:    @cocomelonc
; run:
; nasm -f elf32 -o hello.o hello.asm
; ld -m elf_i386 -o hello hello.o && ./hello
; 32-bit linux

section .text
  global _start

  mov eax, 0x4              ; system call for write
  mov ebx, 1                ; file handle 1 is stdout
  mov ecx, msg              ; address of string to output
  mov edx, 12               ; number of bytes
  int 0x80                  ; call kernel

  mov eax, 0x1              ; sys_exit system call
  mov ebx, 0                ; exit code 0 successfull exec
  int 0x80                  ; call sys_exit

section .data
  msg: db "hello world", 10 ; note the newline at the end

Compile and run:

nasm -f elf32 -o hello.o hello.asm
ld -m elf_i386 -o hello hello.o

nasm hello world

As you can see everything work as expected. Our program writes “hello world” to the console using only system calls. Let’s examine lines 12-16:

nasm hello world

Everything is written in the comments to my code:
line 12: system call for write.
line 13: file descriptor (stdout).
line 14: message “hello world”.
line 15: number of bytes.
line 16: system interrupt call.

As for lines 19-21:

nasm hello world

they are identical to the logic from an example from first post, it’s just normal exit logic.

I hope you haven’t forgotten about the instruction int 0x80. There is an int 0x80 instruction in the assembler code. This is a system interrupt. When the processor receives interrupt 0x80, it performs the requested system call in kernel mode, while getting the desired handler from the Interrupt Descriptor Table.

hello world via using C library

Let’s go to code our “hello world” example with using C library. Remember how in C execution “starts” at the function main? That’s because the C library actually has the _start label inside itself! The code at _start does some initialization, then it calls main, then it does some clean up, then it issues the system call for exit. So you just have to implement main. We can do that in assembly!

; hello.asm: writes "hello world" to the console by using C lib.
; author:    @cocomelonc
; run:
; nasm -f elf32 -o hello2.o hello2.asm
; gcc -static -m32 -o hello2 hello2.o && ./hello2
; 32-bit linux

section .text
global main
extern puts

main:                        ; called by C lib startup code
  push msg                   ; address of string to output
  call puts                  ; puts (msg)
  add esp, 4                 ; update stack pointer (1 argument 4 byte)
  xor eax, eax               ; a faster way of setting eax to zero
  ret                        ; return from main back into C library wrapper

msg: db "hello world", 0     ; note strings must be terminated with 0 in C

which is equivalent in C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  puts ("hello world");
  return 0;

I think from the comments to the code everything should be clear, this is a simplest example:

on line 14, a call to the puts() function: call puts. Before this call, the address of the string (or a pointer to it) with our “hello world” is pushed onto the stack using the push instruction. After the puts() function returns control to the main() function, the address of the string (or a pointer to it) is still on the stack. Since it is no longer needed, the stack pointer (esp register) is updated. add esp, 4 means add 4 to the value in the ESP register. Why 4? Because this is 32 bit code. After calling puts(), the original C code states return 0 - return 0 as the result of the main() function. In the generated code, this is provided by the instruction: xor eax, eax

Let’s go to compile and run:

nasm -f elf32 -o hello2.o hello2.asm
gcc -static -m32 -o hello2 hello2.o

compile hello world C

As you can see again everything is good.
Let’s go to load this binary to gdb and debug:

gdb -q hello2

gdb hello world C

Let’s now cross-compile the C code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    puts ("hello world");
    return 0;

to an .exe file:

i686-w64-mingw32-gcc hello.c -o hello2.exe

cross-compile hello world C

Basic static analysis

Since I consider all my examples from the point of view of a malware analyst, let’s do a little static analysis of our three files:

hello - compilation result of hello.asm:


hello2 - compilation result of hello2.asm:


and hello2.exe - cross-compilation result of hello.c:


Firstly, run:

file hello
file hello2
file hello2.exe


Then, run:

hexdump -C hello | head 20
hexdump -C hello2 | head 20

hexdump ELF

I hope you haven’t forgotten that hello and hello2 are ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) files. What we see here?
As can be seen in this screenshot, the ELF header starts with some magic. This ELF header magic provides information about the file. The first 4 hexadecimal parts define that this is an ELF file (45=E,4c=L,46=F), prefixed with the 7f value.

This ELF header is mandatory. It ensures that data is correctly interpreted during linking or execution. To better understand the inner working of an ELF file, it is useful to know this header information is used.

Let’s see an hello2.exe:

hexdump -C hello2.exe | head 20

hexdump EXE

All the valid PE files contain the value of the first two-byte as 4D and 5A (“MZ” in ASCII), named after Mark Zbikowsky, a well-known architect of MS-DOS. Under this header, includes a list of structure.

Also all the valid PE files contain “PE” (Portable Executable).

Then, run:

strings -n 6 hello | head
strings -n 6 hello2 | head
strings -n 6 hello2.exe | head

strings hello

As you can see all three files contain “hello world” string.

And then run:

objdump -D -M intel hello | head

objdump hello

then run:

objdump -D -M intel hello2 | head

objdump hello2

and for exe file, run:

objdump -D -M intel hello2.exe | head

objdump hello2.exe

As you can see in this way you can also understand the file type by its headers.

If you run:

objdump -D -M intel hello2.exe | grep main.: -A11

objdump hello2.exe

I want to draw your attention to these instructions that I indicated in the screenshot. These 2 instructions save the previous base pointer ebp and set EBP to point at that position on the stack (right below the return address). This sets up EBP as a frame pointer.

Some compilers may subtract the required space from the stack pointer after this two instructions, then write each argument directly, see below:

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 12   ; if 3 arguments (4*3 bytes)

These 3 lines are known as the assembly function prologue. Now let’s look at an example and you will immediately understand what does it mean. Let’s consider this C code:

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    return 123;

This code in assembler will look like this:

; example1.asm
; author: @cocomelonc
; run:
; nasm -f elf32 -o example1.o example1.asm
; gcc -static -m32 -o example1 example1.o
; 32-bit linux

section .text
  global main

  push ebp
  mov ebp, esp
  mov eax, 123
  mov esp, ebp
  pop ebp

section .data

Let’s check. Firstly, compile, then run objdump:

nasm -felf32 -o example1.o example1.asm
gcc -static -m32 -o example1 example1.o
objdump -D -M intel example1 | grep main.: -A11

return 123

I want to draw your attention to these instructions that I indicated in the screenshot. This is called the assembly function epilogue. The function epilogue invalidates the allocated stack space, restores the EBP value to the old one, and returns control to the calling function.

If you compile and disassembly C code:

i686-w64-mingw32-gcc example1.c -o example1.exe
objdump -D -M intel example1.exe | grep main.: -A11

return 123 exe

Stop! But we see leave instruction. The leave instruction does exactly what these two instructions do, and is used by some compilers to save code size. (enter 0,0 is very slow and never used; leave is about as efficient as mov + pop.)

Prologue and epilogue are usually found in disassemblers to separate functions from each other.

memory addressing modes

Let’s go to examine another example:

#include <stdlib.h>

int addMe(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int main(void) {
    addMe(2, 3);
    return 0;

Let’s see how it’ll be look on x86 assembly language:

; example2.asm
; author: @cocomelonc
; run:
; nasm -f elf32 -o example2.o example2.asm
; gcc -static -m32 -o example2 example2.o
; 32-bit linux

section .text
  global main

; make new call frame (addMe)
  push ebp              ; save old call frame
  mov  ebp, esp         ; initialize new call frame
  mov  eax, 0           ; move 0 to eax
  mov  edx, [ebp + 8]   ; move second arg to edx
  mov  eax, [ebp + 12]  ; move first arg to eax
  add  eax, edx         ; add to result
  pop  ebp              ; restore call frame
  ret                   ; return (to main)

; make new call frame (main)
  push ebp              ; save old call frame
  mov  ebp, esp         ; initialize new call frame
  push 3                ; push call arguments in reverse
  push 2                ; push 2
  call addMe            ; call function addMe
  xor  eax, eax         ; mov eax, 0

  ; restore old call frame
  ; some compilers may produce a 'leave' instruction instead
  mov  esp, ebp
  pop  ebp             ; restore old call frame

section .data

Let’s go to compile and run objdump:

nasm -f elf32 -o example2.o example2.asm
gcc -static -m32 -o example2 example2.o
objdump -D -M intel example2 | grep main.: -A11 | head -n 20

example2 objdump 1

and if we run:

objdump -D -M intel example2 | grep addMe.: -A11 | head -n 20

example2 objdump 2

as you can see after insructions:

push 3
push 2

we go to function addMe in address 08049d00.

Let’s go to debug with gdb:

gdb -q ./example2
gdb-peda$ b main
gdb-peda$ r

example2 gdb 1

next steps:

gdb-peda$ si
gdb-peda$ disas

example2 gdb 2

as you can see, push arguments, and we are in function main now. Then next steps:

gdb-peda$ si
gdb-peda$ disas

example2 gdb 3

and repeat once again:

example2 gdb 4

and we are call subroutine addMe. And a few more steps:

example2 gdb 5

we are push arguments and add to result (eax).

The x86-32 instruction set supports using up to four separate components to specify a memory operand. The four components are a fixed displacement value, a base register, an index register, and a scale factor. An effective address is calculated as follows:

effective address = base register + index register * scale factor + displacement

The base register can be any general-purpose register; the index register can be any general-purpose register except ESP; Displacement values are constant offsets that are encoded within the instruction; valid scale factors include 1,2,4, and 8. The size of the final effective address is always 32 bits.
For example:

mov eax, [MyVal]                ; displacement
mov eax, [ebx]                  ; base register
mov eax, [ebx + 12]             ; base register + displacement
mov eax, [MyArray + esi * 4]    ; displacement + index register * scale factor
mov eax, [ebx + esi]            ; base register + index register
mov eax, [ebx + esi + 12]       ; base register + index register + displacement
mov eax, [ebx + esi * 4]        ; base register + index register * scale factor
mov eax, [ebx + esi * 4 + 20]   ; base register + index register * scale factor + displacement

In our case we push call arguments, in reverse:

mov edx, [ebp + 8]
mov eax, [ebp + 12]
add eax, edx

If your function has 3 arguments, in reverse:

mov  edx, [ebp + 8]   ; move third arg to edx
add  eax, edx         ; add to result
mov  edx, [ebp + 12]  ; move second arg to eax
add  eax, edx         ; add to result
mov  edx, [ebp + 16]  ; move first arg
add  eax, edx         ; add to result

If your function has 4 arguments, add:

mov edx, [ebp + 20]   ; first arg
add eax, edx          ; add to result
; ...

etc… I think your got the main idea.

As I wrote earlier, some compilers may subtract the required space from the stack pointer, something like this:

sub esp, 16       ; 16 bytes (4 arguments * 4 bytes)
mov edx, [ebp + 8]
add eax, edx
mov edx, [ebp + 12]
add eax, edx
mov edx, [ebp + 16]
add eax, edx
mov edx, [ebp + 20]
add eax, edx
add esp, 16       ; remove call arguments from frame (16 bytes)

Continue to examine our debug. And a few more steps:

example2 gdb 6

we are return to function main(void):

example2 gdb 7

I think now you understand better why we needed to understand stacks. Suppose we have a function f1 that calls function f2, and function f2, in turn, calls function f3. When the function f1 is called, it is assigned a certain place on the stack for local data. This space is allocated by subtracting from the ESP register a value equal to the size of the required memory. The minimum size of the allocated memory is 4 bytes, i.e. even if the procedure needs 1 byte, it should take 4 bytes.

The f1 function does some things and then calls the f2 function. The f2 function also makes space on the stack by subtracting some value from the ESP register. In this case, the local data of the functions f1 and f2 are located in different memory areas. Next, the function f2 calls the function f3, which also allocates space for itself on the stack. The f3 function does not call any other functions and at the end of its work it must free up space on the stack by adding to the ESP register the value that was subtracted when the function was called. If the function f3 does not restore the value of the ESP register, then the function f2, continuing to work, will not access its data, since it looks for them based on the value of the ESP register. Similarly, the function f2 must restore the value of the ESP register upon exiting, which was before its call.

Thus, at the level of procedures, it is necessary to follow the rules for working with the stack - the procedure that took up space on the stack last must free it first. If this rule is not followed, the program will not work correctly. But each procedure can access its own stack area in an arbitrary way. If we were forced to follow the rules for working with the stack inside each procedure, we would have to transfer data from the stack to another memory area, and this would be extremely inconvenient and would extremely slow down the program execution.

Each program has a data area where global variables are located. Why is local data stored on the stack? This is done to reduce the amount of memory occupied by the program. If the program calls several procedures sequentially, then at each moment of time space will be allocated only for the data of one procedure, since the stack is occupied and released. The data area exists all the time the program is running. If local data were located in the data area, it would be necessary to allocate space for local data for all program procedures.

Let’s update our function addMe:

#include <stdlib.h>

int addMe(int a, int b) {
  return 42 * a + b;

int main(void) {
  int c;
  c = addMe(3, 5);
  return 0;

which is equivalent this x86 assembly code:

; example2.asm
; author: @cocomelonc
; run:
; nasm -f elf32 -o example3.o example3.asm
; gcc -static -m32 -o example3 example3.o
; 32-bit linux

section .text
  global main

; make new call frame (addMe)
  push  ebp              ; save old call frame
  mov   ebp, esp         ; initialize new call frame
  mov   eax, [ebp + 8]   ; move a to eax
  imul  edx, eax, 42     ; calculate result
  mov   eax, [ebp + 12]  ; move second arg to eax
  add   eax, edx         ; add to result
  pop   ebp              ; restore call frame
  ret                   ; return (to main)

; make new call frame (main)
  push ebp              ; save old call frame
  mov  ebp, esp         ; initialize new call frame
  push 3                ; push call arguments in reverse
  push 2                ; push 2
  call addMe            ; call function addMe
  mov  [ebp + 8], eax   ; move result to c
  xor  eax, eax         ; mov eax, 0

  ; restore old call frame
  ; some compilers may produce a 'leave' instruction instead
  mov  esp, ebp
  pop  ebp             ; restore old call frame

section .data

let’s go to compile and analyze:

nasm -f elf32 -o example3.o example3.asm
gcc -static -m32 -o example3 example3.o
objdump -D -M intel example3 | grep main.: -A11 | head -n 11
objdump -D -M intel example3 | grep addMe.: -A11 | head -n 10

example2 gdb 7

As you already understood, the imul instruction is used for multiplication.

win32 programming

Ok. Everything is good. But since most malware written for windows, the malware analyst often encounters win32 applications when analyzing.
So, let’s go to code win32 example (let’s call it hello3.asm):

; hello3.asm: pop-up "hello world" to the window by using win32 API.
; author:    @cocomelonc
; run:
; nasm -f win32 -o hello3.o hello3.asm
; i686-w64-mingw32-ld -o hello3.exe hello3.o -lkernel32 -luser32
; 32-bit windows

[BITS 32]

section .text
global  _start
extern _MessageBoxA@16
extern  _ExitProcess@4


  ; MessageBoxA(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType);
  push dword 0            ; push arguments reverse: 0
  push caption            ; push arguments reverse: caption
  push msg                ; push arguments reverse: msg
  push dword 0            ; push arguments reverse: hWnd
  call _MessageBoxA@16    ; call MessageBoxA

  ; ExitProcess(0)
  push dword 0            ; push arguments: 0
  call _ExitProcess@4     ; call ExitProcess

section .data:
  msg: db "hello world", 0
  caption: db "hello", 0

This application is simplest, just pop-up message box with hello world. Let’s examine this code. It uses only plain Win32 system calls from kernel32.dll, so it is very instructive to study since it does not make use of a C library. Because system calls from kernel32.dll are used, you need to link with an import library. You also have to specify the starting address yourself.

Firstly, we have

extern _MessageBoxA@16
extern  _ExitProcess@4

This is external Win32 API functions. The number after @ is the number of bytes that the function pops from the stack before the function returns. This should be the number of PUSH instructions before the call multiplied by 4. In most cases, this will also be the number of arguments passed to the function multiplied by 4.

Then we push arguments (reverse order) to MessageBoxA, call it, then push arguments (also reverse order) to ExitProcess and call it.

Let’s go to compile:

nasm -f win32 -o hello3.o hello3.asm
i686-w64-mingw32-ld -o hello3.exe hello3.o -lkernel32 -luser32


and run:



If we go to do some static analysis:

strings -n 6 hello3.exe | head

strings hello3.exe

hexdump -D hello3.exe | head -n 64

hexdump hello3.exe

and then:

objdump -D -M intel hello3.exe | head -n 32

objdump hello3.exe

Sometimes, in order to understand what a particular function does, you don’t have to disassemble it, but just look at its inputs and outputs. This way you can save time. But at the same time you still have to look inside.

I will write about this in the next post and I will try to consider real examples of simple malware.

I will write malware in C/C++ like in this, this or this post and then analyze it.

I hope this post was useful for entry level malware analysts or red team members like me, who want to develop skills in the art of reverse engineering.

Reverse engineering for beginners
CS5138 free course materials
Practical Malware Analysis Book
intel 64 and IA-32 arch software developer’s manual
Source code in Github

Thanks for your time and good bye!
PS. All drawings and screenshots are mine