1 minute read

Hello, cybersecurity enthusiasts and white hackers!


This is a very short post. I just want to please my readers, colleagues and friends. translation of MD MZ book to Russian language is finished:


versions and translations

Main github repo with translations: https://github.com/cocomelonc/mdmz_book
MD MZ Book first version (2022)
MD MZ Book second version (2024)

This repository was created at the request of my readers to fix errors and create translations into other languages.

You are welcome to contribute and make pull requests =^..^=!

Translation into Albanian (first few chapters) and Portuguese (many thanks to Joas A Santos) languages ​​has begun! =^..^=

create pdf

Use pandoc command:

pandoc -f markdown-implicit_figures --pdf-engine=xelatex -V mainfont="Amiri" -V colorlinks=true -V linkcolor=blue -o mdmz_book.pdf 1-intro.md 2-maldev.md .... 101-finall.md --mathjax

Main font:


But for the Russian language I have some issues. First one is with different fonts: for Russian Cyrillic and for Arabic. The second problem is with displaying comments in code blocks in Russian, so I left them in this version as in the original - in English (I generally consider writing comments in code in languages ​​other than English to be very bad form).

So, I my pandoc command for russian is little bit different:

pandoc -f markdown-implicit_figures --pdf-engine=xelatex -V --include-in-header=header.tex -V colorlinks=true -V linkcolor=blue -o mdmz_book.pdf 1-intro.md 2-maldev.md .... 101-finall.md --mathjax

and file header.tex with the following options:

\setmainfont{Fira Mono}

\babelprovide[import, main]{russian}

\babelfont[russian]{rm}{Courier New}

and some issues with Arabic ligatures, may Allah forgive me. I had to write in Arabic font from left to right but when the file is generated everything works out fine:

Finally you can download Russian PDF from my telegram channel:


donations and publication

You can send donations via paypal

As I wrote before, All funds raised go towards publishing the hard copy (paper version) of this book (Russian language). According to my calculations, the first 100 copies will cost almost $4,000-5,000. I continue my fundraising campaign

Other books:

Malware in the Wild Book (2023)
Malware Development for Ethical Hackers (Packt, 2024)